Is ON-BRAND coaching for you?

Of course, we can have a needs analysis zoom call, but a few points up front may help you decide if you are interested or not.

THIS IS NOT FOR YOU if you want to start shopping immediately.
My coaching process that takes 2-4 months to complete. If you’re in hurry to know your colors and style type, you won’t have time to invest in the preparation that’s needed before each session. If you don’t like Pinterest or have the time to invest in searching for inspiration photos and creating pin boards, my approach is not for you. However……

THIS IS 100% ABSOLUTELY FOR YOU if you love the idea of a logical creative process with a transformative outcome.
This is for you if you want to uncover into your intuitive brand, color, style and shape language. If you have 2-4 months to journey without consuming clothing, while you identify clothes you love, can easily combine and will really wear. I provide you with expert guidance, time to reflect, space to analyse, experiment and finally… nail your brand, silhouettes and color. This is for you if you love the idea of homework, taking a deep dive into Pinterest, finding and prioritising your inspiration photos. This is for you if you are ready to invest time in becoming ON-BRAND.

Why do you emphasise personal branding?

I’m glad you asked! Personal branding is about understanding how you want to show up, identifying the personality strengths you want to bring to life. It’s about helping you become fluent in the language of values, strengths, desires and goals. I want to help you communicate your full potential, not add more stuff to your wardrobe. I want to empower to become intentional about your verbal and visual language choices. Because authenticity is at the hear of impact and influence, I want to help you understand the colors, shapes and texture of your story.You probably have loads of clothes that you never wear. My job isn’t to to help you accumulate more stuff but to develop a style framework and wardrobe concept. So in the future you buy only items you love, can easily combine and will really wear.

Every smart, successful company has a vision or mission statement that drives their choices. If they don’t, they can end up pursuing endeavors that aren’t on brand - wasting time and money on projects that won’t yield a good return or take them in the right direction. The same is true of your own sense of style. Without a clear vision, you end up spending money on on-trend or on sale items or buying xxxx… with no idea how to incorporate it effectively into your wardrobe. This scatter-gun approach creates a confused collection of haphazard pieces that may not be sending the right visual cues to colleagues, clients, or your audience. Can you honestly say that what you have in your wardrobe right now is a good representation of who you are – or who you want to be?

Dressing with impact means your choices are deliberate, purpose-driven and aligned with the image you aim to convey. Personal branding coaches you to discover the words, colors, ideas and elements of style that speak to you, both on a deep emotional level and practical level. It isn’t about telling you what to wear; it’s collaboration that helps you recover/uncover/discover your own style and align it to your professional goals.

What color system do you use?My color palettes are based on uncovering the personal harmony unique to each individual. I start by painting your skin, hair, lips and eyes to create a perfect harmony with your individual values and essence.

My clients are busy, successful professional people who want a minimal, truthful, fabulous easy to manage wardrobe. When they open their wardrobe in the morning, their precise personalized color concept makes dressing ON-BRAND effortless and joyful. If this is what you to want then discovering your COLOR DNA will be inspiring!



Where do our style consulting sessions take place?

Both ON-BRAND modules and ON-BRAND coaching take place via Zoom calls. This means that wherever you are in the world we can be connected and work together!



Can I offer personal brand coaching to my team?

Absolutely! I have been successfully offering challenging, inspiring and effective interactive workshops to companies thoughout Germany and Europe over the past 20 years. Personal brand workshops provide valuable insights and results around executive presence AND are amazingly effective as joyous, fun-filled team building events. Every workshop is customized to fit the team and company needs to ensure an inspiring event that yields positive desired visible outcomes. I look forward to discussing team image consulting.


Still have questions, or want to book a session?