6 live zoom lectures. 5 wardrobe power codes. Masterclass strategies.




When people struggle to make their personality visible through wardrobe, it is because wardrobe building skills are lacking. The 5 wardrobe power codes you learn in this masterclass are transformative. They are the secret behind a 35-item on-brand wardrobe.

Personal Brand expert Lisa Maria Pippus takes you on a step-by-step journey, one she has used with hundreds of clients globally, to build a 35 item on brand post consume luxury wardrobe. The on-brand wardrobe masterclass comprises 5 live online sessions, each backed up with easy-to-follow lectures, summaries, and homework PDF’s.



What you learn

The Masterclass helps you to identify codes, explore your aesthetic, create action plans, develop personal insight, and sharpen your strategic use of wardrobe.

Each module is self-contained, but collectively all five of them enable you to develop skills and tools that are meaningful, practical, credible and inspirational. The 5 wardrobe codes ensure intelligently planned consumption. And on-brand means you are able to make choices that express your truth, fabulousness and expertise. You are able to share your gift with the world, impactfully and influencially.

Details coming soon!



Who is it for?

My framework has been used by companies like Yoox-Netaporter, Outfittery, University of Applied Science Berlin and hundreds of creative professionals who want to make their personal brand of energy and expertise visible through wardrobe.

The Masterclass Series provides a professional-level educational journey and experience for creative professionals, who are keen to hone their existing skills, or who want to become more strategic about the framework behind wardrobe building in general. And building there own personal on-brand post-consume luxury wardrobe.



Buy the class

Buy the masterclass and start learning from wherever you are.

Learn from a leading expert wherever you are, whenever suits you: you can watch the lectures live or view the recording later in your own time. You can experience the full breadth and depth of the Masterclass with 10 hours of study over 5 weeks. Learn at your own pace: lecture recordings and study materials, lecture notes, copies of the presentations, and additional study materials are available for 6 weeks after the course ends, so you'll never miss a thing. And finally, join the conversation: share your perspective with your fellow students, and support each other in your further enquiries outside of class time.


Clients say.


I am so much clearer and confident about my own wardrobe and

to educate others to build theirs!

CEO & Co-founder Outfittery

Lisa helped me distinguish between my business and personal brand voices. Then to

rebuild a clear business brand identity.

Founder & CEO . Circles

Lisa's 12 Style Power Codes
are pure genius!


Lisa helped me master my own style and become a confident style coach. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher and mentor. Highly recommended!

Ex Lous Vuitton + Hermes leather development



A deep-dive into the story of your brand.

Your brand statement lays the foundation for the message your wardrobe signals. Define the tension in your brand, and align your words to visuals. You know it works when we analyse your first seven outfit photos.


Understand the overarching signals clothes send and your goals

You absolutely need to know how you really want to show up. And if you are here reading, you most likely don’t have the vocabulary to describe your style goals. Style Power Codes make it easy for to understand the both the big picture message behind outfits. This intuitive tool provides a successful way to translate your brand statement into clear aesthetic directions. And increases your self-awareness!



Understand specifically which fabrics bring your story to life.

Create an unshakeable outfit vision. Understand exactly which fabrics you need to create clear, inspiring on-brand outfits. The seven fabric directions and their historical context position you as the expert on you. Be able to zero-in on what you really need. Move forward with confidence.



The 4 aesthetic directions.

Gain detailed insights into the power and subtle nuances of COLOR. Speak confidently about color and specifically describe nuances in order to choose outfits for your clients. Colour DNA provides a framework and level of understanding you can immediately and effectively use in your work. 

Learn how to follow or break COLOR POWER CODES. Knowing the historical and cultural power of color in Europe increases your color integrity. Gaining this new perspective ensures it is easier to overcome resistance and embrace more color.



Silhouette proportions.

In the past you may have compared your shape to celebrities, without understanding your own beautiful proportions. Gain a deeper awareness of how true style is the art of valorising one’s body. Master the aesthetic connection shape, proportion and silhouette.

Understand how different milimeters in length can completely alter the appearance of an item and the Golden Means of proportion. These four frameworks are are multi-layered and nuanced. And allow you to work logically AND intuitively to navigate common challenges with a comprehensive holistic grasp of aesthetics.